Access data and information related to the Regulation Market in New England. See Applications and Status Changes if you’d like to do business in New England’s energy markets or need to make changes to your ISO account.
See ISO Express for a large selection of real-time and historical ISO data and reports that can help market participants make informed decisions, such as Day-Ahead Regulation Offer Data and various regulation clearing price reports.
The Regulation Market is the mechanism for selecting and compensating market participants to provide regulation—the capability of specially equipped generators and other energy sources to increase or decrease output or consumption every four seconds. Participants allow their Automatic Generation Control (AGC) resources to be controlled by the ISO using automated signals to balance both second-by-second variations in demand and the system frequency, which must be kept constant. This market helps ensure that the ISO meets the . Two regulation clearing prices are calculated: one for capacity and one for actual service mileage.
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