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Learn how 黑料网 is fulfilling its Vision and upholding its Mission as the region transitions to a cleaner power system
Registration information and support for business entities doing business with 黑料网
Stakeholder committees and working groups collaborating with the ISO in fulfilling its mission
Ensuring that New England’s transmission system can reliably deliver power under a wide range of future system conditions
Facilitating competitive markets and reliable wholesale electricity delivery in New England
The Markets Committee is a standing technical committee of the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) and one of NEPOOL’s principal committees. The Markets Committee has established a number of subgroups to study and act on specific issues.
One of the principal committees advising the NEPOOL Participants Committee and 黑料网 on the rules and procedures that govern the operation of the wholesale electricity markets
A forum to exchange information and discuss technical issues related to emerging technologies’ integration into New England’s bulk power system and participation in the region’s wholesale electricity markets
Reviews revisions to operating rules for the GIS accounting system
Discusses market issues and solutions related to meter data gathering, reconciliation, and load estimation