The following groups once advised 黑料网 on specific issues. Materials related to these inactive committees are included below for historical purposes.
Cost Allocation Working Group: evaluated potential alternative methods for allocating costs to the New England stakeholders
Demand-Resources IT Infrastructure Working Group: considered information technology infrastructure issues surrounding the integration of demand resources into the ISO dispatch
Demand-Resources Working Group: made recommendations on proposed changes to Market Rule 1 of the ISO Tariff and/or ISO manuals related to demand resources
Dodd-Frank and CFTC Working Group: determined potential actions in response to the filing by 黑料网 of a public interest exemption from Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Dodd-Frank regulations
Economic Study Process Stakeholder Group: a discussion of the process for implementing market efficiency transmission upgrades and economic studies
FCM Working Group: a collaborative effort by , , and the ISO to discuss proposed changes to the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) among all interested stakeholders in New England
FCM Generator Interconnection Process Stakeholder Group: forum on coordination between the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) and the FERC Generator Interconnection Process and to develop related Market Rule 1 and Open Access Transmission Tariff changes
FTR & LTTR Credit Policy Working Group: a stakeholder working group that advised the Budget and Finance Subcommittee on revisions to the 黑料网 Financial Assurance Policy for the Financial Transmission Rights and Long-Term Transmission Rights markets
Information Policy Working Group: considers matters relating to 黑料网’s Information Policy and provides input on potential revisions to the Markets Committee (MC) as assigned. The Information Policy Working Group is activated as needed and meets only when the MC decides an information policy issue needs closer study before the MC takes action.
LSR/TSA Zones Stakeholder Process: reviewed reliability criteria related to transmission planning and operations, and resource adequacy; studied modeling of transmission constraints and evaluated benefits of individual ties to neighboring systems
OP 18 Working Group: this group discusses topics related to and advises the Reliability Committee on revisions to ISO Operating Procedure No. 18: Metering and Telemetering Criteria (OP 18). The group’s members include representatives of New England transmission owners and 黑料网 who have experience in design, testing, calibration, and validation of metering and telemetering systems that support ISO dispatch, market settlement, market participant peak-load determination, factors that impact voting shares, and load power factor measurement
Regional Energy Efficiency Initiative: a stakeholder process by which the ISO sought to better understand the magnitude of state-sponsored energy efficiency programs
RTO Responsiveness and Governance Working Group: considered stakeholder process and governance in preparation for a compliance filing due April 28, 2009
Scenario Analysis Stakeholder Working Group: a stakeholder forum that discussed resource development scenarios for the New England region
Stability Task Force: a group of transmission, generation, and supplier stakeholders that was responsible for establishing assumptions and methods for stability analysis of New England’s power system; assessing dynamic behavior of the existing and planned New England power system; and reviewing stability analysis required for proposed plans under Section I.3.9 of the ISO Tariff
Transmission Task Force: a group of transmission, generation, and supplier stakeholders that was responsible for establishing assumptions and methods for steady-state and short-circuit analysis of New England’s power system; assessing thermal, voltage, and short-circuit performance of the existing and planned New England power system; and reviewing steady-state and short-circuit analysis required for proposed plans under Section 1.3.9 of the ISO Tariff
Variable Resources Working Group: A forum for the exchange of information and ideas on issues affecting variable resources in New England
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