Access data and information related to blackstart service in New England. See ISO Operating Procedure No. 11: Blackstart Resource Administration for details on applying to provide blackstart service in New England. Participant Support is also available to help.
See ISO Express for a large selection of real-time and historical ISO data and reports that can help market participants make informed decisions, such as Schedule 16—Blackstart Standard Rate Report and retired Schedule 16—Blackstart Settlement Supporting Reports.
Blackstart service is necessary to facilitate a stable and orderly restoration of the power system in the event of a partial or complete shutdown of the system. The ISO selects and compensates specific participating generators interconnected to the transmission or distribution system at strategic locations that can be called upon to re-energize the transmission system. These units must meet certain requirements, including having the ability to quickly restart without an outside electrical supply.
Other sections of the ISO website may also be helpful. Of note: