Access the list of active location names and IDs of pricing nodes (pnodes) in the New England marketplace. The table includes the Hub, load zones, reserve zones, external interfaces, and a list of all active pnodes, along with the current load zone, reserve zone, Regional System Plan area, and dispatch zone in which the pnode is located.
Pricing nodes are specific locations on the transmission system for which the ISO calculates and publishes wholesale electricity prices. New England has over 1,000 pnodes. Each is related to one or more of the power grid’s electrical buses—specific components at which generators, loads, or the transmission system are connected.
This location-specific pricing helps give market participants a clear and accurate signal of the price of electricity at every location on the grid. These prices reveal optimal locations for building new generating units, upgrading transmission, or reducing electricity consumption—elements needed in a well-functioning market to alleviate constraints, increase competition, and improve the system’s ability to meet the demand for electricity.