Materials that support the pre-filing requirements for recovery of Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits-Critical Infrastructure Protection (IROL-CIP) Costs under Schedule 17 of the 黑料网 Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) are accessible below. To receive an email notification when any new material is posted to this page, please subscribe using the link below. If you wish to participate as an interested party in the pre-filing review process, contact and briefing-session information can be found in the materials posted below.
The ISO is not involved in developing or reviewing IROL-CIP Costs. The ISO posts the pre-filing materials as provided to the ISO by IROL-Critical Facility Owners a part of the Schedule 17 pre-filing review process. The ISO also acts as the billing and collection agent on behalf of IROL-Critical Facility Owners for recovery of IROL-CIP Costs accepted by FERC.
IROL-Critical Facility Owners must send all pre-filing review documents by email to Participant Support or upload to . Documents must be sent as an email attachment in Word, PDF, Excel, or ZIP files, and identified as “Schedule 17 IROL-CIP Information for Posting.” Information supporting IROL-CIP Costs proposed for recovery must conform to the data requirements provided in Attachment A to Schedule 17. This optional spreadsheet template can help facilitate IROL-Critical Facility Owners’ preparation of IROL-CIP Cost data. Materials will only be posted as requested by the IROL-CIP Critical Facility Owner.
For information on IROL-CIP Cost compensation requirements, please refer to Schedule 17 of the OATT.