The Forward Capacity Market (FCM) ensures that the New England power system will have sufficient resources to meet the future demand for electricity. Forward Capacity Auctions (FCAs) are held annually, three years in advance of the operating period. Resources compete in the auctions to obtain a commitment to supply capacity in exchange for a market-priced capacity payment. These payments help support the development of new resources. Capacity payments also help retain existing resources. For example, they incentivize investment in technology or practices that help ensure strong performance. They also serve as a stable revenue stream for resources that help meet peak demand but don’t run often the rest of the year.
If you’re new to FCM processes or need guidance, follow the FCM Participation Guide.

Forms and other FCM-related information are accessible below. Use the Key Topic filter to sort materials by capacity commitment period. Use the Document Type filter to find specific types of materials.
FCM Parameters
For your convenience, important parameters for each FCA, such as qualification thresholds and cost of new entry values, are grouped in two ways:
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2027-2028
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
31,591 |
MW |
1,041 |
MW |
30,550 |
MW |
Net CONE |
$9.078 |
$/kW-month |
$14.220 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
$14.525 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
592.449 |
MW |
*Renewable Technology Resource Proration in effect |
Dynamic Delist Bid Threshold |
Estimated Net Installed Capacity Requirement |
30,535 |
MW |
DDBT First Preliminary Value |
3.327 |
$/kW-m |
Minimum Limit [0.75 x Prior FCA Clearing Price] |
1.943 |
$/kW-m |
Maximum Limit [0.75 x Net CONE] |
6.809 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Second Preliminary Value |
3.327 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Second Preliminary Value Constrained Limit |
None |
Minimum, Maximum, None |
Margin Value |
0.511 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Final Value |
3.840 |
$/kW-m |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
417 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
417 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
208 |
$/kW |
Cost Threshold Adjustment Parameters |
Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs |
Year |
Value |
Benchmark Index Value (July)* |
2008 |
616 |
Most Recent Index Value (July)* |
2022 |
1,283 |
*Permission to publish Handy-Whitman Index data has been granted to ISO-NE by the publisher of the data, . |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
64 |
136 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
359 |
1,041 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
156 |
544 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,006 |
394 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,760 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Maine |
Export |
4,150 |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Generator |
Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine |
6.592 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine |
11.663 |
$/kW-Month |
On-Shore Wind |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Energy Storage Device – Lithium Ion Battery |
0.371 |
$/kW-Month |
Photovoltaic Solar |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources |
Load Management (Commercial / Industrial) |
0.750 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distributed Generation |
0.750 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
Based on generation technology type |
On-Peak Solar |
5.414 |
$/kW-Month |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Import Resources |
New Import (increased NE import capability) |
14.535 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (no NE import capability increase) |
14.535 |
$/kW-Month |
Import backed by single new External Resource and associated with investment in transmission that increases import capability (Not ETU) |
Based on generation technology type |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
14.525 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
9,337 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2026-2027
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
31,306 |
MW |
1,001 |
MW |
30,305 |
MW |
Net CONE |
$7.359 |
$/kW-month |
$12.761 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
$12.761 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
300.000* |
MW |
*Renewable Technology Resource Proration in effect |
Dynamic Delist Bid Threshold |
Estimated Net Installed Capacity Requirement |
30,515 |
MW |
DDBT First Preliminary Value |
1.636 |
$/kW-m |
Minimum Limit [0.75 x Prior FCA Clearing Price] |
1.943 |
$/kW-m |
Maximum Limit [0.75 x Net CONE] |
5.519 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Second Preliminary Value |
1.943 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Second Preliminary Value Constrained Limit |
Minimum |
Minimum, Maximum, None |
Margin Value |
0.648 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Final Value |
2.59 |
$/kW-m |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
366 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
366 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
183 |
$/kW |
Cost Threshold Adjustment Parameters |
Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs |
Year |
Value |
Benchmark Index Value (July)* |
2008 |
616 |
Most Recent Index Value (July)* |
2021 |
1128 |
*Permission to publish Handy-Whitman Index data has been granted to ISO-NE by the publisher of the data, . |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
50 |
150 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
399 |
1,001 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
177 |
523 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
974 |
426 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,595 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Maine |
Export |
4,065 |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Generator |
Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine |
5.212 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine |
9.775 |
$/kW-Month |
On-Shore Wind |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Energy Storage Device – Lithium Ion Battery |
0.789 |
$/kW-Month |
Photovoltaic Solar |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources |
Load Management (Commercial / Industrial) |
0.750 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distributed Generation |
0.750 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
Based on generation technology type |
On-Peak Solar |
5.414 |
$/kW-Month |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Import Resources |
New Import (increased NE import capability) |
12.771 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (no NE import capability increase) |
12.771 |
$/kW-Month |
Import backed by single new External Resource and associated with investment in transmission that increases import capability (Not ETU) |
Based on generation technology type |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
12.761 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
9,337 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2025-2026
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
32,568 |
MW |
923 |
MW |
31,645 |
MW |
Net CONE |
$7.468 |
$/kW-month |
$12.400 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
$12.400 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Dynamic Delist Bid Threshold |
Estimated Net Installed Capacity Requirement |
31,990 |
MW |
DDBT First Preliminary Value |
$1.518 |
$/kW-m |
Minimum Limit [0.75 x Prior FCA Clearing Price] |
$1.958 |
$/kW-m |
Maximum Limit [0.75 x Net CONE] |
$5.601 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Second Preliminary Value |
$1.958 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Second Preliminary Value Constrained Limit |
Minimum |
Minimum, Maximum, None |
Margin Value |
0.650 |
$/kW-m |
DDBT Final Value |
$2.610 |
$/kW-m |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
347 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
347 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
174 |
$/kW |
Cost Threshold Adjustment Parameters |
Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs |
Year |
Value |
Benchmark Index Value (July)* |
2008 |
616 |
Most Recent Index Value (July)* |
2020 |
1,069 |
*Permission to publish Handy-Whitman Index data has been granted to ISO-NE by the publisher of the data, . |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
58 |
142 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
477 |
923 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
222 |
478 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,113 |
287 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Southeastern New England |
Import |
9,450 |
MW |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,555 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Maine |
Export |
4,095 |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Generator |
Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine |
5.355 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine |
9.811 |
$/kW-Month |
On-Shore Wind |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Energy Storage Device – Lithium Ion Battery |
2.601 |
$/kW-Month |
Photovoltaic Solar |
1.381 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources |
Load Management (Commercial / Industrial) |
0.750 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distributed Generation |
0.750 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
Based on generation technology type |
On-Peak Solar |
5.414 |
$/kW-Month |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Import Resources |
New Import (increased NE import capability) |
12.410 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (no NE import capability increase) |
12.410 |
$/kW-Month |
Import backed by single new External Resource and associated with investment in transmission that increases import capability (Not ETU) |
Based on generation technology type |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
12.400 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
9,337 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2024-2025
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
34,153 |
MW |
883 |
MW |
33,270 |
MW |
Net CONE |
8.707 |
$/kW-month |
11.951 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
13.932 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
<4.300 |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
18.869* |
MW |
*Renewable Technology Resource Proration in effect |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
328 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
328 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
164 |
$/kW |
Cost Threshold Adjustment Parameters |
Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs |
Year |
Value |
Benchmark Index Value (July)* |
2008 |
616 |
Most Recent Index Value (July)* |
2019 |
1,011 |
*Permission to publish Handy-Whitman Index data has been granted to ISO-NE by the publisher of the data, . |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
60 |
140 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
517 |
883 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
246 |
454 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,142 |
258 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Southeastern New England |
Import |
10,305 |
MW |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,680 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Maine |
Export |
4,145 |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
7.161 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
8.967 |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (increased NE import capability) |
13.942 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (no NE import capability increase) |
13.942 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
Load Management |
7.559 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
13.932 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
5,455 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2023-2024
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
33,431 |
MW |
941 |
MW |
32,490 |
MW |
Net CONE |
8.187 |
$/kW-month |
11.472 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
13.099 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
<4.300 |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
335.855* |
MW |
*Renewable Technology Resource Proration in effect |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
317 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
317 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
158 |
$/kW |
Cost Threshold Adjustment Parameters |
Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs |
Year |
Value |
Benchmark Index Value (July)* |
2008 |
616 |
Most Recent Index Value (July)* |
2018 |
977 |
*Permission to publish Handy-Whitman Index data has been granted to ISO-NE by the publisher of the data, . |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
64 |
136 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
459 |
941 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
199 |
501 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,038 |
362 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Southeastern New England |
Import |
9,757 |
MW |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,445 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Maine |
Export |
4,020 |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
6.717 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
8.214 |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
13.099 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (increased NE import capability) |
13.109 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (no NE import capability increase) |
13.109 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
Load Management |
7.559 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
13.099 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
3,500 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2022-2023
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
34,719 |
MW |
969 |
MW |
33,750 |
MW |
Net CONE |
8.156 |
$/kW-month |
11.289 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
13.050 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
<4.300 |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
481.197 |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
302 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
302 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
151 |
$/kW |
Cost Threshold Adjustment Parameters |
Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs |
Year |
Value |
Benchmark Index Value (July)* |
2008 |
616 |
Most Recent Index Value (July)* |
2017 |
931 |
*Permission to publish Handy-Whitman Index data has been granted to ISO-NE by the publisher of the data, . |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
51 |
149 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
431 |
969 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
184 |
516 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,034 |
366 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Southeastern New England |
Import |
10,141 |
MW |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,545 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
6.696 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
8.187 |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
8.472 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (increased NE import capability) |
13.060 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (no NE import capability increase) |
13.060 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
Load Management |
7.559 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
13.050 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
3,500 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2021-2022
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
34,683 |
MW |
958 |
MW |
33,725 |
MW |
Net CONE |
8.04 |
$/kW-month |
11.35 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
12.864 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
<5.500 |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
513.564 |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
308 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
308 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
154 |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
57 |
143 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
442 |
958 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
194 |
506 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
987 |
413 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Southeastern New England |
Import |
10,018 |
MW |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,790 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Connecticut |
Import |
N/A |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
6.503 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
7.856 |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
11.025 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (increased NE import capability) |
12.874 |
$/kW-Month |
New Import (no NE import capability increase) |
12.874 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
Load Management |
7.559 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
1.008 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0 |
$/kW-Month |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
12.864 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
3,500 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2020-2021
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
35,034 |
MW |
959 |
MW |
34.075 |
MW |
Net CONE |
11.640 |
$/kW-month |
14.387 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
18.624 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
<5.500 |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
528 |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
296 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
296 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
148 |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
55 |
145 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
441 |
959 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
200 |
500 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,054 |
346 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Southeastern New England |
Import |
9,810 |
MW |
Northern New England |
Export |
8,980 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
N/A |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
13.933 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
9.465 |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
5.698 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
1.145 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
3.524 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
Load Management |
7.094 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
1.145 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
3.524 |
$/kW-Month |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
18.624 |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
2,000 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2019-2020
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
35,126 |
MW |
975 |
MW |
34,151 |
MW |
Net CONE |
10.810 |
14.290 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
17.296 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
< 5.500 |
$/kW-month |
Available Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
383.749 |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
288 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
288 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
144 |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
58 |
142 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
425 |
975 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
181 |
519 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,046 |
354 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Southeastern New England |
Import-constrained |
10,028 |
MW |
Rest of Pool (ROP) |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
13.820 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
9.170 |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
8.110 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
1.145 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
3.120 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
Load Management |
7.094 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
1.145 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
3.120 |
$/kW-Month |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
Forward Capacity Auction Starting Price |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
2,000 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2018-2019
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
35,142 |
MW |
953 |
MW |
34,189 |
MW |
Net CONE |
11.080 |
14.040 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
17.728 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
< 3.940 |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
16.000 |
MW |
Cape Wind |
74.000 |
MW (excluded) |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
277 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
277 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
138 |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
52 |
148 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
447 |
953 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
177 |
523 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,054 |
346 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
Import constrained |
7,479 |
MW |
NEMA/Boston |
Import constrained |
3,572 |
MW |
CT |
Import constrained |
7,331 |
MW |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
13.424 |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
8.866 |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
10.320 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
1.145 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
Load Management |
7.094 |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
1.145 |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
based on generation technology type |
Energy Efficiency |
0.000 |
$/kW-Month |
Other Resources |
All other technology types |
Forward Capacity Auction Starting Price |
$/kW-Month |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
Units |
Capacity Performance Payment Rate |
2,000 |
$/MWh |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2017-2018
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
34,923 |
MW |
1,068 |
MW |
33,855 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
15.819 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
< 1.000 |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
271 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
271 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
135 |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
117 |
83 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
332 |
1,068 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
208 |
492 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,173 |
227 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
NEMA/Boston |
Import constrained |
3,428 |
MW |
CT |
Import constrained |
7,319 |
MW |
ME |
Export constrained |
3,960 |
MW |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2016-2017
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
34,023 |
MW |
1,055 |
MW |
32,968 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
6.055 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
15.000 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
3.150 |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
4.541 |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
258 |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
258 |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
129 |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
91 |
109 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
345 |
1,055 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
308 |
392 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,086 |
314 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
ME |
Export-constrained |
3,709 |
MW |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2015-2016
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
34,498 |
MW |
1,042 |
MW |
33,456 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
5.723 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
11.446 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
3.434 |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
4.292 |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
194 |
6 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
358 |
1,042 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
372 |
328 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,100 |
300 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
ME |
Export-constrained |
3,888 |
MW |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2014-2015
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
34,154 |
MW |
954 |
MW |
33,200 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
5.349 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
10.698 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
3.209 |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
4.012 |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
194 |
6 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
446 |
954 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
700 |
261 |
439 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,110 |
290 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
ME |
Export-constrained |
3,702 |
MW |
MW |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2013-2014
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
33,043 |
MW |
916 |
MW |
32,127 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
4.918 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
9.836 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
2.951 |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
3.689 |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
194 |
6 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
484 |
916 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
1,000 |
416 |
584 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,206 |
194 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
330 |
330 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
ME |
Export-constrained |
3,187 |
MW |
MW |
Transmission Projects |
Existing Transmission |
Proposed Transmission Projects |
Project Tracker |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2012-2013
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.08 |
32,879 |
MW |
914 |
MW |
31,965 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
4.918 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
9.836 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
2.951 |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
3.689 |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
194 |
6 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
486 |
914 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
1,000 |
391 |
609 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,400 |
1,264 |
136 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
330 |
330 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
ME |
Export-constrained |
3,257 |
MW |
MW |
Transmission Projects |
Existing Transmission |
Proposed Transmission Projects |
Project Tracker |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2011-2012
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.241 |
33,439 |
MW |
911 |
MW |
32,528 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
6.000 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
12.000 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
3.600 |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
4.500 |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
200 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
489 |
911 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
1,000 |
284 |
716 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,525 |
1,352 |
173 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
330 |
330 |
MW |
Zones |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
ME |
Export-constrained |
3,395 |
MW |
MW |
Transmission Projects |
Existing Transmission |
Proposed Transmission Projects |
Project Tracker |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
FCM Parameters by Capacity Commitment Period

CCP 2010-2011
Parameters |
Value |
Units |
DR Multiplier |
1.223 |
33,705 |
MW |
1,400 |
MW |
32,305 |
MW |
Net CONE |
N/A |
7.500 |
$/kW-month |
Starting Price |
15.000 |
$/kW-month |
Floor Price |
4.500 |
$/kW-month |
.75*CONE |
5.625 |
$/kW-month |
Allowable Dynamic Delist Range |
N/A |
$/kW-month |
Qualified Capacity Amount for Renewable Technology Resources |
N/A |
MW |
FCM Qualification Thresholds |
Re-powering |
$/kW |
Incremental Capacity |
$/kW |
Environmental Compliance |
$/kW |
External Interfaces Connection |
External Interface Limit |
Transmission Transfer Capacity |
Tie Benefits |
Units |
Hydro-Quebec Highgate |
200 |
200 |
MW |
Hydro-Quebec Phase II |
1,400 |
1,400 |
MW |
New Brunswick |
1,000 |
640 |
360 |
MW |
New York AC Ties |
1,525 |
1,425 |
100 |
MW |
New York Cross Sound |
330 |
330 |
MW |
Zones |
Dispatch Zones |
N/A |
Capacity Zones |
Type |
Units |
ME |
Export-constrained |
3855 |
MW |
MW |
Transmission Projects |
Existing Transmission |
Proposed Transmission Projects |
Project Tracker |
Offer Review Trigger Price |
Technology Type |
Units |
Combustion turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Combined cycle gas turbine |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
On shore wind |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Commercial and Industrial |
N/A |
Load Management and/or previously installed Distributed Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Demand Resources—Residential |
Technology Type |
N/A |
Load Management |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
Previously Installed Distribution Generation |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
New Distributed Generation |
N/A |
Energy Efficiency |
N/A |
$/kW-Month |
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