Last update: 02/05/2025
Summarized below are major projects that will bring changes to ºÚÁÏÍø systems and processes and may require action by your organization. Please review the summaries to identify whether you are an affected participant. Follow the links on the project names (as they become available) for details on your requirements, training opportunities, and other documentation.
Subscribe to the Participant Readiness mailing list to receive notifications when outlook summaries or project pages are added. Refer to the article for instructions.
Refer to the Wholesale Markets Project Plan page and Key Project pages to follow proposed projects and initiatives.
Project | Participants Affected | Target Launch | System Affected | Scope of Change | |
FERC Order No. 881: Managing Transmission Line Ratings To ensure just and reasonable wholesale rates and to better align the transmission grid with actual operating conditions, FERC Order No. 881 requires the use of ambient adjusted ratings (AAR) for near-term transmission service requests, defining at least four seasonal line ratings for longer-term transmission service requests, applying AARs to unique emergency ratings, and submitting hourly ratings data electronically. |
Transmission providers, public utility transmission owners (TOs), and all equipment owners that provide ratings per Operating Procedure No. 16 (OP 16) requirements | Limit Exchange Portal (LEP) Sandbox Roles: September 24, 2024 LEP Production Roles: June 12, 2025 |
Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) | Security administrators (SAs) assign new LEP sandbox or production roles.
Sandbox: October 18, 2024 Production: June 12, 2025 |
LEP Sandbox and Production | A representational state transfer application programming interface (RESTful API) will be provided to allow submission of new ratings, and to query current or resolved ratings. eFTR and NX users who are consumers of PSSe and ratings data should request access to the LEP from their SAs. |
Sandbox: Q1 2025 Production: June 12, 2025 |
NX912D Application Sandbox and Production | Add new flags and fields to the NX-9 form:
Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative (DASI) Introduce ancillary services and constraints in the Day-Ahead Market to develop a day-ahead operating plan that satisfies both the load forecast and contingency reserve requirements. The Forward Reserve Market will sunset with the commencement of the Day-Ahead Ancillary Service Initiative. |
Participants with generators, demand response resources (DRRs), or dispatchable asset-related demand (DARDs) that want to provide ancillary services | November 19, 2024 | eMarket Sandbox | For operating day November 21, 2024 and later, test submitting benchmark limit data, daily total MWh limits, and day-ahead ancillary services offer price and quantity pairs by the hour or for a range of hours. Test updates to the eMarket data exchange specifications. | |
February 28, 2025 | eMarket Production | Submit daily total MWh limits and day-ahead ancillary services offer price and quantity pairs by the hour or range of hours beginning with operating day March 1, 2025. Update eMarket data exchange specifications, if applicable. | |||
March 1, 2025 | Financial Assurance Management (FAM) Production | Day-ahead ancillary services reserve requirements are included in the financial assurance (FA) calculation. | |||
February 28, 2025 | Market Information Server (MIS) | New and updated settlement reports to be available. | |||
February 28, 2025 | Web Services and Upload/Download Formats | New day-ahead ancillary services values available. | |||
Pay-for-Performance Forward Capacity Market Delivery Financial Assurance (FCM Delivery FA) Improve the FCM Delivery FA design to reduce collateral shortfalls for Pay-for-Performance (PFP) penalties that generators are assessed if they fail to operate or underperform during long-duration capacity scarcity conditions. |
Participants with capacity supply obligations in the FCM | Phase 1, release 1: March 1, 2024 Phase 1, release 2: May 21, 2024 Phase 2 plan:Â release 1: March 18, 2025, release 2: May 1, 2025 |
Financial Assurance Management (FAM) | Updates to the FCM Delivery FA formula will take effect beginning on March 1, 2024, with liquidity assessment-related changes taking place in Q1 and Q2 2025. |
Project | Participants Affected | Launched | System Affected | Scope of Change | |
Inventoried Energy Program (IEP) Offer a voluntary program to provide incremental compensation to participants with assets that maintain inventoried energy during extreme cold periods when winter energy security is most stressed. The program is offered during the 2023–2024 and 2024–2025 winters (December–February) for commitment periods associated with the 14th and 15th Forward Capacity Auctions. |
Participants electing to participate in the forward and/or spot components of the Inventoried Energy Program | September 1, 2024, to October 1, 2024 | Ask ISO | Participants electing to participate in the forward component of the IEP submit:
October 13, 2023, for the duration of the program | Settlements Market System (SMS)—Submit Energy Inventory Sandbox |
Security administrators grant access to the Energy Inventory Submitter application group role and test access to the Submit Energy Inventory sandbox. | |||
November 1, 2024 | Settlements Market System (SMS)—Submit Energy Inventory Sandbox |
Assets accepted into the program are available in the Submit Energy Inventory Sandbox for testing the submission of energy inventory. | |||
November 3, 2023, for the duration of the program | Financial Assurance Management (FAM) Sandbox | Security administrators grant access to the Credit and Financial Assurance Viewer role for participants to view the new IEP line items. Participants can test incorporating the new data into third-party software, if applicable. | |||
November 16, 2024 | SMS—Submit Energy Inventory | Participants begin to submit periodic energy inventory data unrelated to Inventory Energy Days (IEDs) for assets participating in the forward component for use in calculating the IEP financial assurance requirement. | |||
December 1, 2024 | Financial Assurance Management (FAM) | The new IEP line item is available on the requirements tab. | |||
Beginning December 2, 2023 and 2024, for the duration of the respective winter period if an IED occurs | ISO-NE Calendar, All Notices and Market Notices Mailing Lists | The ISO publishes a calendar notice the morning following an IED. | |||
Beginning December 2, 2023, and 2024, for the duration of the respective winter period if an IED occurs | SMS—Submit Energy Inventory | Participants submit real-time inventoried energy data and an accompanying affidavit by 1:00 p.m. the second business day after a declared IED. | |||
December 6, 2024 | Market Information Server (MIS)/ Settlements | Four new MIS reports for the new daily settlement appear with the twice-weekly bill. | |||
Divisional Accounting (Subaccounts) User-defined subaccounts were enabled to allow participants to segregate their settlement reporting by assigning assets and resources directly to a subaccount and assigning other activity-based transactions to subaccounts in various applications. |
Market participants who are interested in using divisional accounting to segregate the reporting of their market activity by specific settlement subaccounts | Multiple Phases |
CAMS | Participants can create subaccounts, assign assets and resources, and add subaccount reporting in the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS). | |
eMarket | Participants can assign subaccounts to transactions in the eMarket application. | ||||
Internal Transactions UI | Participants can assign subaccounts to transactions in the Internal Transactions user interface. | ||||
FCTS | Participants can assign subaccounts to self-supply requests in the Forward Capacity Tracking System (FCTS). | ||||
MIS | Participants can create new informational Market Information Server (MIS) reporting by subaccount. | ||||
NEXTT (to replace EES in Q3 2019) | Participants will be able to assign subaccounts to external transactions using NEXTT user interface | ||||
Do Not Exceed (DNE) Dispatch Wind, intermittent hydro, and solar resources may operate up to a do not exceed limit and will be dispatchable in real time. |
Lead market participants and designated entities with wind and, intermittent hydro, and solar resources | Implemented May 24, 2016: wind DNE required, intermittent hydro DNE optional Implemented April 29, 2017: intermittent hydro DNE required December 4, 2023: solar DNE required |
RTU | Remote terminals units (RTUs) must be installed or upgraded for all do-not-exceed dispatchable generators (DDGs). | |
Lead market participants and designated entities with wind and, intermittent hydro, and solar resources | Implemented May 25, 2016: wind DNE required, intermittent hydro DNE optional Implemented April 30, 2017: intermittent hydro DNE required December 5, 2023: solar DNE required |
MIS | Affected participants will see DNE-specific values and column heading updates added to MIS reports. | ||
Lead market participants of wind, Â intermittent hydro, and solar DNE dispatchable generators (DDGs) with CSOs | May 31, 2019: Day-Ahead Energy Market participation required for wind and intermittent hydro for operating day June 1, 2019 December 4, 2023: Day-Ahead Energy Market participation required for solar for operating day December 5, 2023 |
eMarket | Day-Ahead Energy Market participation required DDGs with CSOs. Affected market participants must arrange access to eMarket, the software platform used to submit required data and retrieve the day-ahead clearing results. | ||
Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Cost Allocation & Accelerated Billing Effective June 1, 2022, most monthly FCM settlements and bills will be settled daily and billed twice weekly, and the net regional clearing price (NRCP) calculation will be replaced with a new FCM cost allocation to improve transparency by reporting each pricing component separately. |
Participants with resources participating in the FCM | June 1, 2022 | Internal Transactions | Capacity load obligation bilateral confirmations will be due at noon on the first business day of the settlement month. | |
Submit Peak Contribution | Future dates will be allowed in the user interface and the file upload. | ||||
Financial Assurance Management (FAM) | A Daily FCM Requirements section and its sub-components will be added to FAM. | ||||
Market Information Server (MIS) | Several reports are being retired and added. | ||||
Billing / Settlements | Daily settlement and twice-weekly billing will result in the following:
Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Non-Commercial Capacity (NCC) Trading Financial Assurance (FA) Effective with the 13th capacity commitment period (CCP) beginning June 1, 2022, a new “NCC Trading FA” obligation will be introduced to incentivize participants to notify ºÚÁÏÍø of a resource with non-commercial capacity that will not achieve commercial operation and to withdraw it from CPS monitoring. |
Participants with capacity supply obligations (CSOs) for resources with non-commercial capacity | ART and CSOB March 29, 2022 FAM May 2022 |
Forward Capacity Market Annual Reconfiguration Auction & ARTs
and Forward Capacity Market CSO Bilateral Contracts |
The market participant of the transferring resource engaged in a CSO Bilateral and/or an Annual Reconfiguration Transaction (ART) will be required to provide responses to the following questions:
Certifications for confirmed CSO Bilateral Contracts and ARTs for the 13th CCP will be required. |
Financial Assurance Management (FAM) | The “Monthly FCM Requirements” section of the “Obligations Detail” display will be modified to include the following:
Ownership Transfer & External Registration (OTER) The Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) was enhanced to allow participants to create load assets and SOGs, perform asset lead participant, meter reader, and ownership share transfers, retire assets, and improve asset search capabilities. |
Participants that want to:
Phased implementation completed March 1, 2022 | CAMS |
Generator Survey System Project (GSS) Create a web-based surveying tool to collect confidential generator data during normal, energy alert, and energy emergency conditions under the requirements defined in Operating Procedure 21 (OP 21) and OP 21 Appendix A |
Lead market participants and designated entities with generator assets | September 14, 2021 | Ask ISO |
Streamline Asset Registration (SAR) Create a new module to submit asset ownership transfer view meter reader and lead market participant asset relationships, and view alternative technology regulation resources (ATRRs), asset-related demand (ARD), tie-lines, and non-energy assets |
All participants registering new generation, load, SOGs, ARD, ATRRs, non-energy assets or tie lines All participants processing asset relationship transfers between owners, meter readers and lead market participants |
Phase III January release: Search and view ATRRs Phase III April release: Search and view ARD Phase III June release: Search and view Tie-Line and non-energy assets |
CAMS | To access asset information in CAMS, affected participants must have an active ISO-NE certificate and at least one asset registration application group roles assigned to their person record in the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) | |
Energy Storage Device (ESD) Allow participants to register a single energy storage asset as an Alternative Technology Regulation Resource (ATRR), a non-regulation capable generator, and a dispatchable-asset-related demand (DARD) asset in order to offer its full range into the regulation market while maintaining its ability to operate as a dispatchable energy market resource |
Participants with grid-sized storage technologies and generators monitoring RTU failure–to-follow data | Phase 2, release 2: March 1, 2020 Phase 2: December 1, 2019 Phase 1: April 1, 2019 |
eMarket |
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) |
Settlements |
MIS Reports |
Offer Caps (FERC Order 831) Encourage participants to offer supply when short-run costs exceed existing offers caps by allowing cost-based incremental energy offers and make-whole payments |
Participants submitting eMarket offers for generators and demand response resources; all other bids and offers | March 1, 2020 | eMarket and related XML |
Internal market Monitor Asset Characteristics (IMMAC) | Demand Response Resource (DRR) details and change request functionality will be available | ||||
Settlements / NCPC | Incremental energy costs verified after the market was cleared that are above $1,000/MWh will be analyzed to determine if make-whole payments will be granted | ||||
Energy Market Opportunity Cost (EMOC) Provide market participants with an estimated daily opportunity cost for use in energy market offer formulation. Will better enable economic commitment and dispatch to make the most cost-effective use of limited fuel supplies during stressed operating conditions. |
Lead market participants of oil-fired and dual-fuel generators with short-term fuel supply limitations and eMarket users for all Generators and Demand Response Resources |
Phase 2: December 3, 2019 Phase 1 implemented: November 29, 2018 |
Internal Market Monitor Asset Characteristics (IMMAC) module within the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) | Phase 2: calculate a real-time opportunity cost and separately report the carbon permit price; Phase 1: display an estimated opportunity cost on a daily basis before the day-ahead window |
eMarket | The real-time reoffer period for all Generators and Demand Response Resources will open by 8:00 PM | ||||
Update Enhanced Energy Scheduling (EES) Technical Architecture Create a new user interface for participants to submit external transactions and assign subaccounts; replace the JAVA Applet architecture to improve system performance |
All Enhanced Energy Scheduling (EES) software users | October 23, 2019 | Enhanced Energy Scheduling (EES) | The new participant interface will be named New England External Transaction Tool and will be referred to using the acronym “NEXTT.” Retire the use of EES Java Applet architecture and replace the current EES user interface with a new participant submittal platform. |
WebServices | New file formats for data uploads and downloads will be available. | ||||
CAMS Subaccounts | Subaccounts created in CAMS will be available for assignment in the NEXTT user interface. (See the Divisional Accounting project for more information on subaccounts). | ||||
MIS | Participants will be able to utilize existing informational Market Information Server (MIS) reporting by subaccount. (See the Divisional Accounting project for more information on subaccounts). | Balance of Planning Period: Financial Assurance (BOPP FA) Implement a balance-of-planning-period monthly auction structure for Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) and adjust associated financial assurance calculations |
Market participants eligible to bid in the Financial Transmission Rights market | September 17, 2019 | Financial Assurance Management (FAM) | FTRs that have the same path, class, and month but were awarded in different auctions may be netted for financial assurance calculations to avoid “double-margining”; unsettled FTR financial assurance will be introduced; and the pre-awarded/award auction obligation will be removed. |
Financial Transmission Rights UI (eFTR) | The eFTR sandbox will be updated prior to go-live. Upload and download processes may be tested using formatted CSV files, and add, modify, and delete processes may be tested in the user interface. | ||||
Web Services | New web services to be available for FTR auction results | ||||
Annual Reconfiguration Transactions (ARTs) are designed to provide the equivalent of a bilateral transfer of a capacity supply obligation (CSO) at a fixed price. By entering into an ART and participating in an annual reconfiguration auction, a capacity supplier can achieve price-quantity assurance (to the extent the capacity is substitutable) when either acquiring or shedding a CSO. | Participants and their counterparties seeking to acquire or shed CSO with price certainty | April 30, 2019 | ºÚÁÏÍø SMD Application: Forward Capacity Market Reconfiguration Auction User Interface | Enhancements to include:
Financial Assurance Management (FAM) | Financial exposure from ARTs will be included in financial assurance obligations. | ||||
Market Information Server (MIS) | The existing ARA report will be enhanced to include information about each confirmed ART. | ||||
Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Delayed Commercial Resource Treatment (DCRT) a.k.a. Capacity Supply Obligation (CSO) Cover Changes Introduce a monthly “failure-to-cover” charge to incentivize participants unable to fulfill their CSO to take action to cover their obligation or assume a charge based on the amount of CSO that is not covered by the capacity a resource has demonstrated its ability to provide |
FCM participants with resources unable to fulfill their CSO for each month within the applicable capacity commitment period (CCP) (*Existing import capacity resources will be excluded from maximum demonstrated output and failure to cover charges) |
Implemented: February 12, 2019 For CCPs beginning June 1, 2022 (CCP-13), the monthly failure to cover rates will be derived per 13.3.4 (b) of the Market Rule |
Forward Capacity Market Reconfiguration Auction | ºÚÁÏÍø will stop its practice of submitting demand bids on behalf of project sponsors with projects that have not achieved their critical path schedule milestones and have not covered their CSO for the applicable portion of the CCP Participants can avoid incurring failure to cover charges by submitting demand bids in the third annual reconfiguration auction (ARA 3) or the June monthly reconfiguration auction The maximum demonstrated output (MDO) calculation will be introduced which is the highest output level of an asset over a defined historical period
Settlements | The concept of an “unproven CSO quantity test” will be introduced to calculate the difference between a resource’s CSO and its MDO. The monthly charge for each resource with an unproven CSO quantity will be calculated as the product of the monthly failure-to-cover charge rate and the unproven CSO quantity | ||||
MIS | The FCM Settlement Summary report will be updated to include failure–to-cover charges and credits An FCM Failure-to-Cover Detail report will be introduced The FCM Capacity Load Obligation Settlements Detail report will be updated to include failure-to-cover credits The Pre-ARA 3 Maximum Demonstrated Output annual report will be distributed prior to ARA 3 |
Forward Capacity Tracking System (FCTS) | Pipeline analysis plans will not be required after the new unproven quantity test and the failure-to-cover charge are implemented. These mechanisms are designed to ensure that participants are covering their obligations without the ISO specifically tracking uncovered obligations. In FCTS, pipeline analysis plans:
Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Policy Resources (CASPR) Implement a substitution auction (SA) to be run after the primary Forward Capacity Auction (FCA) to coordinate the entry of new sponsored policy resources (SPRs) with the exit of older existing capacity resources willing to permanently retire; this pairing of entry and exit minimizes the impact that SPRs have on competitively-based capacity prices, maintains resource adequacy, and reduces over-supply concerns |
Forward Capacity Auction participants with one of the following:
February 4, 2019 | Forward Capacity Tracking System (FCTS) | Participants requesting to qualify a new resource as an SPR will use FCTS to:
Financial Assurance Management System (FAM) | FAM will be updated to determine exposure and adjust the FA requirement as necessary for the following:
Substitution Auction | Participants with a new SPR will be prevented from electing a multi-year CSO and capacity clearing price for any capacity that clears in the SA Participants with an existing resource that will participate in the SA as demand will be prevented from:
The demand bid from an existing resource that exceeds the CSO awarded to that resource in the primary FCA will be reduced to equal the awarded CSO. |
MIS | FCA Auction Results MIS Report will be updated to include results from the SA. | ||||
Customer Contact Center Solution (CCCS) Replace the current Ask ISO platform to improve participant-issue management and contact identification by integrating voice, email, and case-tracking systems, as well as to address business continuity goals |
All participants and stakeholders submitting inquiries to ISO New England via phone, email, or Ask ISO | August 27, 2018 | Ask ISO | Users submitting inquiries directly to the Ask ISO application will be able to access the system with their unique email and password, instead of with the existing digital certificate access process. A self-service support community will be available to allow users to search knowledge articles for frequently asked questions, to submit inquiries, and to categorize issues to expedite system access and issue routing. |
CAMS | Phone, email, and other contact data will be shared between the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) and Ask ISO to create user accounts and update contact information. Security Administrators are encouraged to review CAMS Persons records ahead of this release, particularly phone numbers and e-mail addresses. | ||||
Price-Responsive Demand (PRD) Project Fully integrate demand response resources (DRRs) to participate in the energy and reserve markets and to be eligible for Forward Capacity Market (FCM) shortage event penalties or credits, as well as peak energy rents |
Market participants and demand-designated entities (DDEs) with demand response (DR) assets | June 1, 2018 | Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) | DR entities will be assigned new asset and resource IDs to be converted to the three-level PRD entity model:
Scheduled and forced curtailments for DRAs will be submitted in CAMS The new DRR IDs and the converted DRA IDs will automatically be assigned to the default subaccount. Participants that choose to use subaccount reporting for these entities will assign subaccounts at go-live. |
eMarket | New displays specific to DRRs will be available in the user interface (UI). Using the eMarket UI, DR market participants will:
Remote terminal unit (RTU) | RTUs will be upgraded and tested prior to go-live. The desired dispatch point (DDP) for each DRR will be included in the data to convey the requested consumption reduction below the DRR’s adjusted baseline. |
DR Audit and Testing Tool (DRATT) | Beginning in early May 2018, DR audits will be put on hold but requests will continue to be accepted for audits commencing June 1, 2018, or later. | ||||
ISO New England SMD Applications | Real-time demand response (RTDR) and real-time emergency generation (RTEG) will be removed from the Meter Reader UI. | ||||
Demand Response Market User Interface (DRMUI) | The DRMUI will allow download of three baseline types (weekday, Saturday, Sunday/Holiday), baselines for prior days, interval performance data by asset, and interval performance data by resource. | ||||
Baseline calculations | Baseline calculations for Saturdays and Sunday/DR holidays will use the five most recent uninterrupted like-days during the past 42 days rather than non-holiday weekdays as implemented June 1, 2017. | ||||
Forward Capacity Tracking System (FCTS) | Existing DR field labels in the UI will be updated to new PRD terms which will also display in historical views with the old DR data model. | ||||
Settlements | DR will be settled via the established two-settlement process where RT market quantities are used to determine participants’ actual operation deviations from their day-ahead (DA) energy positions. Real-time Net Commitment-Period Compensation hourly shortfall will be introduced. |
Market Information Server (MIS) | New reports will be introduced as well as others being retired. | ||||
Web services and web publishing | New eMarket WebServices upload/download and XML functionality for DRRs will utilize new DRR terminology. The Morning Report will include DRR capacity. |
Forward Capacity Market Pay-for-Performance (FCM PFP) Replace the FCM availability metric with a performance metric based on measurable energy delivered and reserves provided |
Lead market participants for all resources | June 1, 2018 | Financial Assurance Management (FAM) | The potential for resources with capacity supply obligations (CSOs) to have negative capacity payments under the new PFP rules will be collateralized by adding a financial assurance requirement for Forward Capacity Market delivery. | |
Settlements |
Forward Capacity Tracking System (FCTS) | Lead participants of passive resources will submit a show of interest (SOI) to be eligible for capacity performance payments (CPPs) when performing during a scarcity condition. (The eligibility for CPPs to be paid for external transactions, generators, and demand response resources that are not mapped to a resource will be determined through the settlement process.) | ||||
Enhanced Energy Scheduler (EES) | Flex reservations will no longer be an option. | ||||
ISO New England SMD Applications |
Web services | A new scarcity conditions report will be available. | ||||
Market Information Server (MIS) | New reports will be introduced and others will be retired. | ||||
Subhourly Settlements (SHS) Transition the settlement interval from hourly to every five minutes to align with the real-time dispatch instruction and pricing intervals for the Real-Time Energy Market, Regulation Market, Net Commitment-Period Compensation (NCPC), and reserve markets for generators, load resources, and external transactions |
Lead market participants submitting Roseton node external transactions, owners of resources that can respond quickly to dispatch instructions, data-scrapers using HTML client programs, and meter reading submitters |
Implemented phases:
Meter reading CSV and XML upload and download files |
Meter reading HTML client programs | Meter reading HTML client programs used for data-scraping must be upgraded to use XML RESTful web services. | ||||
Market Information Server (MIS) | MIS reports will be updated to provide settlement details with five-minute granularity for real-time energy, reserves, regulation capacity, regulation service, and real-time NCPC. A new energy quantity report will be developed. | ||||
Web services | New end point URLs will be available to download preliminary of final:
ISO Express | Revised pricing reports and preliminary and final grid reports will be downloadable in a CSV format for:
Settlements | The new dispatch lost-opportunity cost (dispatch LOC) NCPC calculation will be introduced for resources that are not providing regulation or postured during the interval. Beginning December 1, 2017 introduce five-minute interval settlement for regulation capacity and regulation service. |
Internal Market Monitor Asset Characteristics (IMMAC) UI Allow participants to submit asset characteristics data directly to the ISO’s Internal Market Monitor (IMM) and view current data on file with the IMM via the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) |
Lead market participants with generator assets, except for settlement only generators | July 11, 2017 | CAMS | To use the new IMMAC module in CAMS, affected participants must have an active ISO-NE certificate and be assigned the maintainer or viewer role. | |
Real-Time Fast-Start Pricing (FSP) Improve the Real-Time Energy Market’s pricing logic to enable fast-start resources to set price more frequently |
Lead market participants with fast start generators or demand-response resources, flexible DNE dispatchable generators, and certain dispatchable-asset-related demand resources | March 1, 2017 | Settlements | A new lost-opportunity cost calculated in real-time will be paid to units that are moved out of merit due to fast-start resources. | |
Market Enhancements for DARD Pumps New modeling practices and bidding parameters to better reflect dispatchable-asset-related demand (DARD) operating characteristics in offer data and economic dispatch |
Lead market participants with pump storage hydro-generating resources | March 1, 2017 | eMarket and related web services | New bidding parameters (submit):
New resource modeling parameters (view-only):
New NCPC type parameters:
Settlements | Day-ahead and Real-time Net Commitment-Period Compensation (NCPC) settlements will be modified to include NCPC payment calculations for DARD pumps, including NCPC dispatch lost opportunity cost. | ||||
Interconnection Request Tracking Tool Elective Transmission Upgrades (IRTT ETU) Replace the Interconnection Request Tracking Tool (IRTT) with an improved version for use by participants to submit interconnection requests |
Participants and project proponents with new or existing interconnection requests (IRs) for generators or Elective Transmission Upgrades (ETUs) | February 17, 2017 | IRTT | The new version of the IRTT will be improved and enhanced to enable online submittal for ETU IRs. Existing data, user names, and passwords will be migrated to the new application automatically. | |
Participant One-line Diagram Submissions Modify the NX912D Application (NX-9 and NX-12D) for participants to submit one-line schematic diagrams and area overviews |
Transmission owners of substations with a rating of 69 kV or higher, or as required per ISO Operating Procedure No. 16 (OP 16), Transmission System Data, and lead market participants with generators participating in the Real-Time Energy Market | December 20, 2016 | NX912D | Current participant schematics and overviews will be required for initial load prior to production releases. | |
CAMS | New roles will be available in the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) for access to view and submit to the sandbox and production environments. | ||||
Generator Dynamics Data Management A new system for uploading and updating detailed technical information about the physical and operational characteristics of power system equipment |
Lead market participants and nonparticipants required to report and certify generator dynamics data | May 14, 2016 | CTM/DDMS | Affected market participants and nonparticipants must access the Dynamics Data Management System (DDMS) section of the Customer Ticket Management (CTM) application to report and certify generator dynamics data. | |
CAMS | In the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS), the company security administrator must assign the contact type Generation Compliance Contact Primary and grant access to the Customer Ticket Management/DDMS Compliance Officer role to the proper users. | ||||
Coordinated Transaction Scheduling (CTS) Enhanced scheduling procedures were enabled for external transactions at the Roseton interface, which allow market participant to submit a unified real-time bid to simultaneously purchase and sell energy on each side of the interface, with the bid price indicating the price difference between the two regions that the participant is willing to accept |
Market participants transacting at the Roseton interface between ºÚÁÏÍø and the New York ISO | December 15, 2015 | JESS | Affected participants must follow the process to get access to and create a password for the New York ISO Joint Energy Scheduling System (JESS) in order to submit external transactions at this interface. | |
All Enhanced Energy Scheduler (EES) software users | EES | Affected participants can now select an eTag ID and link it to the EES schedule. | |||
All market participants using pricing data | MIS | Affected participants can now access Market Information Server (MIS) reporting that include 15-minute pricing and constraints. | |||
Market participants using pricing data for Roseton pricing node 4011 | Selectable pricing reports | Affected participants can now choose to see 15-minute pricing and constraints data in selectable ISO Express reports, such as the . | |||
Market participants using pricing data for Roseton pricing node 4011 | Web services | Affected participants can now access new endpoints for CTS in the ISO’s web services data. |