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Learn how 黑料网 is fulfilling its Vision and upholding its Mission as the region transitions to a cleaner power system
Registration information and support for business entities doing business with 黑料网
Stakeholder committees and working groups collaborating with the ISO in fulfilling its mission
Ensuring that New England’s transmission system can reliably deliver power under a wide range of future system conditions
Facilitating competitive markets and reliable wholesale electricity delivery in New England
We’re committed to actively engaging New England stakeholders in our work for the region. Our External Affairs department helps keep public officials and policymakers, regulators, consumer representatives, and environmental regulators informed.
Access presentations, speeches, memos, and other public communications delivered by our technical experts, senior management, and External Affairs team.
View some of the ISO’s most popular data on the region, including our state profiles—state-specific statistics related to New England’s power system and wholesale electricity markets.
Access materials from the stakeholder forum on the consumer impacts of the bulk power system and wholesale electricity markets.
Get in touch with the dedicated External Affairs representative for your area.