Here you’ll find website help, guidance, and other tips for using and ISO Express. Jump to topic:
Finding Things: Navigation, Sorting and Filtering, Searching
There are three ways to find what you’re looking for:
- Browse—mouse over tabs in the gray bar at the top of each page to see section menus. Click on the desired page. See Navigation for tips.
- Search—type into the search bar at the top of each page. See Searching for tips.

- Visit the Library—the central repository of all documents on the site. Then use filters to drill down to what you’re looking for. See Filtering for tips.
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Navigation: You CAN Get There From Here!
Use the links and tabs at the top of each page to access nearly any other page on the site. Mouse over the tabs to see the menus for each content section.

The footer on each page includes additional helpful links.

Most pages also include these navigation aids:

- “Breadcrumbs” preceding the page title to show you which section you’re in
- In This Section menu showing section pages
- Related Links offering other webpages with supporting or complementary information
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Sort and Filter: Refining Your Results (aka, “Shop for Your Docs”)
Like most online shopping sites, lets you sort and filter document lists and search results to help you more quickly find what you’re looking for. It’s like “shopping” for information.
Click on a column header to sort by title, date, type, or size. Click on the header a second time to reverse the sort order—for example, oldest to newest or “Z” to “A.” By default, document listings are typically sorted by date (newest to oldest), and search results are sorted by relevance.


Filters, if available, will show up beside the search results or document listing.
- Click one or more filters to refine your results.
- The numbers of results per filter appear in parentheses—for example, “(288).”
- Only the Library page displays every possible filter. Other webpages only display the filters that documents are matched to. For example, if no documents in a particular listing are tagged as being related to the Markets Committee, you won’t see “Markets Committee” as a choice among the filters.
About the filter types:
- Key Topic filters return documents grouped by matters of special focus or subject area, such as key projects currently or previously under consideration by the ISO and its stakeholders; ISO training topics; auction periods; and specific areas of study.
- Committee filters return documents related to each stakeholder committee or working group.
- Meeting Date filters return materials used on specific meeting dates of stakeholder committees or working groups.
- The Published Date filter returns documents published to the website within a selected date range. Tips:
- Use the calendar icon to select dates, or type in dates using the year-month-date format (for example, 2014-01-30).
- Leave the end date blank to display anything published since a specified start date. Or leave the start date blank to display anything published since a specified end date.
- Document Type filters return documents corresponding to different types of publications, such as FERC filings.
- File Type filters return results by application, including webpages.
Here are some filtering examples:
Example 1
You’re looking for the Participants Committee’s October 4, 2013, meeting agenda. Just scroll down and click on that Meeting Date filter in the document listings on either the Participants Committee page or in the Library.

Example 2
You want to find the webpage that discusses how to interconnect a generator in New England. You type “interconnections” into the search bar. This yields thousands of results, most of which are documents.

Click the Webpage filter under File Type. This narrows your results to 13 webpages that can help direct you to the services you want.

Example 3
You’re looking for an ISO filing from 2012 that you know was related to changes in the Forward Capacity Market. Go to the Library and click on the FERC Filings filter under Document Type. Narrow your results further by clicking the Forward Capacity Market Redesign filter under Key Topics. Then refine results even further by setting the Published Date filter to span 2012.

Or, you could go directly to the ISO Filings to FERC page, which automatically lists all documents tagged as FERC Filings. (That’s why you won’t see that filter on that page.) Then you could use the Key Topics and Published Date filters there to refine the results.
Example 4
You saw an ISO presentation sometime in 2014 on FERC Order 1000 and want to revisit something you saw in the slides. Searching on “order 1000” returns thousands of hits.

Clicking the PPT (PowerPoint) File Type filter and setting the Published Date to start at the beginning of 2014 narrows results to 31.

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Searching More Effectively

A search bar is available at the top of each page:
- Multiword searches return webpages or materials that contain all of the words (not necessarily in order). You can also add:
- Quotation marks around words to search for that exact phrase—for example, “capacity market”
- A hyphen to exclude results with specific words—for example, capacity -market
- “OR” to return results that include at least one of the words—for example, capacity OR FCM
- By default, the results are returned by relevance to the term searched. Relevance is generally determined by a variety of factors.
- Results can be sorted and filtered to help you find what you’re looking for faster. See Sorting and Filtering for tips.
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Access the ISO calendar from the top of any webpage.

The calendar displays meetings, trainings, and special notices.
- View the calendar by month, week, or individual day.
- Use filters to display only certain types of items—see Filtering for tips.
- Click on an event for details (date, time, location, dial-in instructions, etc.) and to see associated materials, such as meeting agendas.
- Click Subscribe to get alerts when event materials are added. Learn about subscribing.
- Click Save to My Meetings to add an event to your custom calendar—see My Meetings.

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Customizable Features: My Subscriptions, My Meetings, My Bookmarks
An ISO Express/ account gives you access to several features described below that can help you stay on top of ISO meetings and publications and get quick access to pages containing the data and other information you rely on.
- Sign in with an existing ISO Express account from the top of any page.
- Don’t have an account yet? Sign-up is quick and easy.

My Subscriptions: Get Event or Page Publication Alerts
If you’d like to be notified whenever the ISO publishes documents related to a specific webpage, meeting, or other event:
- Click Subscribe on the page or event document listing.

- Choose the alert frequency. You can elect to receive an email alert:
- Every time documents are added to the listing
- Once a day (you’ll get a single daily summary of any added documents)
- Once a week (you’ll get a single weekly summary of any added documents)
If you subscribe to multiple document listings and choose the daily or weekly options for those, all alerts will be consolidated into a single daily and/or weekly summary for your convenience. Alerts for all documents published within the past five minutes are also grouped into a single summary when you elect to be alerted every time documents are published.

Managing Your Subscriptions
To unsubscribe, edit subscription frequency, or browse other available subscriptions to add:
- Sign in from the top of any webpage.
- Hover over the WELCOME link, and click My Subscriptions.

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My Meetings: Your Personalized List of Events
Creating a custom events list gives you quick access to pages for meetings or other events you’re interested in, so you can retrieve materials or confirm times, locations, and other details. To add a meeting or other event to your My Meetings list:
- Click on the event you’re interested in from the ISO Calendar or from a committee or working group page.

- On the event page (i.e., the Calendar Detail View), click Save to My Meetings. Please note:
- You cannot save a past event to My Meetings.
- As events pass, they will automatically be removed from your list. However, any subscriptions you set to event document listings will remain, in case related documents are added later.

Accessing My Meetings
There are two ways to quickly access your personalized list of events:
- Add a My Meetings panel to your customized ISO Express dashboard. (See Adding Content.)
- Sign in from the top of any webpage, hover over the WELCOME link, and click My Meetings.

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My Bookmarks: Quickly Jump to the Pages You Use Often
Keep all your ISO Express or bookmarks in an easy-to-access, consolidated location with the My Bookmarks function, which lets you create a personalized links list.
Creating Your Bookmarks List
- Sign in with your existing ISO Express login information from the top of any page, or sign up to create a new account.
- Hover over the WELCOME link, and click My Bookmarks.

- Click Add Bookmark, and enter a URL and page name.

Accessing Your Bookmarks
Sign in from the top of any webpage, hover over the WELCOME link, and click My Bookmarks (see example above). You can also add a My Bookmarks panel to your customized ISO Express dashboard. (See Adding Content.)

Managing My Subscriptions, My Meetings, My Bookmarks, and Other Account Info
You can edit or delete bookmarks, subscriptions, or meetings from your personalized lists as needed. Sign in with your existing ISO Express login information from the top of any page, hover over the WELCOME link, and choose the appropriate link.
To make other changes to your account, see Updating Account Information or Changing a Password.

Please note: As events pass, they will automatically be removed from your My Meetings list. However, any subscriptions you set to event document listings will remain, in case related documents are added later.
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About ISO Express
ISO Express is the data section of the website where the ISO provides a wide variety of viewable and downloadable public data to market participants and other interested stakeholders. Read on for tips on how to get the most out of ISO Express, or watch the ISO Express Data Tour below (approximately 20 minutes).
About the Guest Dashboard (Default Page)
ISO Express launches the Guest Dashboard by default. It’s preconfigured with a variety of popular charts and graphs described under Adding Content below.
- You can customize the dashboard by signing in or signing up and using My Dashboard. This allows you to add or delete content or reorganize the layout to better suit your needs and preferences.
- A wide variety of data reports are also available in ISO Express. See ISO Express: Reports Pages.
ISO Express Customizable Features: My Dashboard, Adding/Removing Content or Pages, Using Content Tools
Adding Content
Customize My Dashboard to add/delete graphs or charts and to display them in a configuration that best suits your preferences. You can do the same for any other custom pages you create. (See Adding Pages below.)
Once you’re registered and signed in:
- Hover over the WELCOME link, and click My Dashboard.

- Click Add Content.

- Choose one or more of the available content types:
- External Interfaces Graph: a graph including actual flow, import limit, export limit, current schedule, purchase, and sale for each interface
- Five-Minute Real-Time LMP Graph: a graph of LMPs for the hub, zones, and interfaces, including energy, congestion, and loss components for each; updated every five minutes
- Five-Minute Real-Time LMP List: a list of locational marginal prices (LMPs) for the hub, zones, and interfaces, including energy, congestion, and loss components for each, as well as total system load; updated every five minutes
- Fuel Mix Chart: a representation of the fuels being used by New England's power plants to generate electricity, as reported by the generating resources; electricity imported from neighboring areas is not included, and actual real-time fuel mix may differ, depending on minute-to-minute generation output and system operational needs; click the chart’s
icon for more details
- Hourly LMP Graph: a graph of LMPs for the hub, zones, and interfaces, including energy, congestion, and loss components for each; updated at the end of every hour
- Hourly LMP Ticker: a scrolling ticker displaying day-ahead and real-time energy prices for the New England system, including hub, zones, and interfaces
- LMP Map: a map of day-ahead and real-time energy prices and demand for the New England system, plus a list of any binding constraints
- Load Forecast Graph: a graph of forecasted load vs. actual load (excluding pumped storage) for the day
- Morning Report: a daily summary of factors affecting the power system; also accessible via the Quick Links panel
- My Bookmarks: a customizable, easily accessible listing of often-visited or favorite ISO Express or webpages
- My Meetings: a customizable, easily accessible listing of upcoming meetings and other events of interest
- My Subscriptions: a customizable, easily accessible listing of document notifications
- Periodic LMP Graph: a graph of weekly or monthly LMPs aggregated for the hub, zones, and interfaces, including day-ahead and real-time energy, congestion, and loss components
- Quick Links: a listing of frequently viewed content for easy access
- Power System Conditions: any real-time emergency system conditions in effect
- Reserve MW Requirements and Designations: requirements for megawatts of reserve capacity in the region’s four reserve zones, as well as amounts of reserve designations (i.e., availability); includes 10-minute spinning reserves (10MINSPIN or TMSR), 10-minute nonsynchronized (nonspinning) reserves (TMNSR), 30-minute operating reserves (TMOR), total 10-minute requirements (TOT10MIN), and total 30-minute requirements (TOT30MIN)
- Reserve Prices Graph: a graph of reserve zone prices, including 10-minute spinning reserve (TMSR), 10-minute nonsynchronized (nonspinning) reserves (TMNSR), and 30-minute operating reserves (TMOR); five-minute and hourly are available
- Seven-Day Capacity Forecast: a daily summary of factors that will affect the power system during the seven days after the operating day; also accessible via the Quick Links panel
- Single-Source Contingency: a listing of the limits placed on generation and external interfaces in which the loss of a single piece of equipment could cause a loss of 1,200 megawatts or more, including the additional margin available, in real-time, for authorization in the NYISO and PJM control areas; click the chart’s
icon for more details
- System Load Graph: a graph of total load forecasted for today and tomorrow
- System Monitor: the collapsible/expandable panel housing three of the graphics noted above: the LMP Map, System Load Graph, and Power System Conditions
- Three-Day System Demand Forecast: the systemwide load forecast by hour for the operating day and the two days following the operating day; also accessible via the Quick Links panel
Removing Content
When signed in, click on the “X” in the upper right corner of any content panel to remove it from the page.

Moving Content
When signed in, click and hold in the header of any content panel to move it. Release it in the preferred location.

Using the Content Tools

On the ISO Express dashboard, icons in each content panel represent different tools, which can vary by graph or chart.
- Maximize
: maximizes content to fill browser window
- Pop out
: opens content in new browser window
- Delete
: removes the “portlet” (aka, content panel) from page
- Chart
: displays data as chart or graph
- Data table
: displays data in table or list form
- Info
: provides details on data, such as sources or exceptions
- Settings
: allows configuration of data parameters
- Download
: options for downloading data or graph/chart
- Expand/collapse
: reveals or hides data labels
- Show/hide data
: reveals or hides data within graph or chart
Adding a New Page
My Dashboard includes one pre-loaded page titled My Dashboard, which is configured exactly as the Guest Dashboard (see above). You can customize the My Dashboard page with the content and configuration you prefer. You can also add new pages with specific types of content.
Once you’re registered and signed in:
- Hover over the WELCOME link, and click My Dashboard.

- Click Add New Page.

- Name the page, select the number of columns to include, and choose whether to display the System Monitor—a panel of three key system-related graphics (see content types above).

- Click Add Page Now.
- Click Add Content to choose which charts, graphs, and other content to display.

You can now access your new page from the WELCOME menu whenever you’re signed in.

Removing a Page
To delete one of your custom pages:
- First navigate to another page under My Dashboard.
- Under the WELCOME menu, mouse over the page you want to delete.
- Click on the "X" that shows up to the right of the page name.

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ISO Express Reports Pages
Along with real-time maps and charts, ISO Express also includes real-time and historical data that can help market participants make informed decisions.
- See the complete listing of all reports on the ISO Express landing page.
- Visit the main section pages under Related Links for a consolidated list of the latest reports in that section.

- Use the In This Section menu to navigate to the specific data you seek.

Downloading Report Content
Easily download single reports by clicking the CSV link to the right of the report name. To download multiple reports at once:
- Click the checkboxes by the report names.
- Click Download Selected Files to get a single “zipped” file containing all checked reports.

Viewing or Downloading Older Reports
- From any of the ISO Express data pages, click Search Historical Data.

- Indicate the date range and any other applicable parameters (such as data type), then enter the CAPTCHA text, and click Download. You’ll get a “zipped” file containing the requested data.

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Web Services: Automated Data Feeds
Along with the data in ISO Express, the ISO also provides automated access to some data through data feeds (also called web services). See the Web Services Data page.
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ISO Express: Updating Account Information or Changing a Password
If your company name changes or if you change companies:
- Ask Participant Support to close your current account by emailing or by calling (413) 540-4220.
- Allow one night for the system to update.
- Register for a new ISO Express/ account.
- If you’re in charge of updating your company’s name in ISO records, see the Name Changes, Affiliate Updates, Termination, and Other Customer Changes page
To update your name, phone number, or password:
- Sign in from the top of any webpage.
- Hover over the WELCOME link.
- Click Change Password, or click Account Information to update your name or phone number.

More Help
For assistance using or ISO Express, email Participant Support at or call (413) 540-4220.
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