Need specifics on how 黑料网 administers the region’s wholesale electricity markets and power system? Here are answers to questions frequently asked by customers about ISO rules, processes, and services.
- Annual Reconfiguration Auction (ARA): about supply offers, demand bids, and megawatts determination in the annual Forward Capacity Market auction
- Banking Information: how new and existing customers can submit or update banking information with 黑料网
- Billing Process: about billing-related documents and how to obtain them, as well as billing-related rules, processes, and services.
- Claimed capability audits: about ISO-conducted audits to establish the winter and summer seasonal claimed capability (SCC) values for generator assets
- Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS): about the ISO’s electronic data submission system
- Customer information updates: how to notify the ISO of changes to customer information, such as name changes, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, affiliates, and corporate structures
- Day Ahead Energy Market: about commitment, scheduling, and dispatch in the ISO’s market for trading energy for the following day at financially binding day-ahead prices
- eMarket: about web-based software that allows market participants to offer or bid into the ISO’s energy markets
- External transactions and external interfaces: information on the movement or transfer of energy within, into, out of, or through the New England Balancing Authority Area, and between balancing authority areas
- Financial assurance: acceptable forms, virtual proxies, Financial Transmission Right (FTR) requirements, BlackRock accounts, and more
- Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs): about the financial instrument for hedging the price risk of day-ahead congestion caused by constraints on the transmission system
- Forward Reserve Market: about the ISO’s market for acquiring the generating resources needed to satisfy the requirements for 10-minute nonspinning reserves and 30-minute operating reserves
- Generator operational parameters: about basic participation requirements, details on specific operating issues, and more
- Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP): about the calculated price of electric energy at a system node, load zone, reliability region, or hub
- MIS reports: how to access MIS reports from secure FTP accounts
- Minimum Generation Emergency and Min Gen Warning: about a type of abnormal system condition for which the ISO anticipates requesting one or more generating resources operate at or below economic minimum limit
- Membership: about participating in the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL), a voluntary association of wholesale electricity market participants in the region
- Net Commitment-Period Compensation (NCPC): information on payments designed to make resources that follow the ISO’s operating instructions “no worse off” financially than the best alternative generation schedule
- OATT and ISO Tariff: about the transmission services and charges included in the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)—section II of the Transmission, Markets, and Services Tariff (ISO Tariff)
- PowerGADS: using the ISO’s electronic system for generating facilities to submit Generating Availability Data System (GAD) event and performance data to meet NERC data submittal requirements
- Real-Time Energy Market: about transactions, calculations, and charges in the ISO market that balances differences between the day-ahead scheduled amounts of electric energy needed and the actual real-time load requirements
- Sales and use tax reporting: calculations, documentation, etc., related to the ISO’s obligation to collect state taxes