Access data and information related to ºÚÁÏÍø’s Forward Reserve Market (FRM) and real-time reserve pricing. See Applications and Status Changes if you’d like to do business in New England’s energy markets or need to make changes to your ISO account.
See ISO Express for a large selection of real-time and historical ISO data and reports that can help market participants make informed decisions, such as FRM:
The documents accessible below include the following:
Reserve markets help incentivize market participants to provide reserve capacity, which is the amount of electricity that the system can produce beyond what it’s already producing to satisfy demand.
Because electricity can be stored only in very small amounts, New England must have the ability to produce as much electricity as people need, the instant people need it, plus some backup capacity just in case. Reserve capacity is that backup—the “insurance policy” that allows the ISO to be able to keep electricity flowing in the event of any unexpected outages (like a large generator tripping offline) or other contingencies.
The amounts of reserve capacity that the ISO is required to maintain are detailed in Operating Procedure No. 8: Operating Reserve and Regulation (OP 8).
The Forward Reserve Market is designed to:
The ISO conducts two competitive FRM auctions: one for the summer reserve period (June through September) and one for the winter reserve periods (October through May).
Real-time reserve pricing is designed to:
The ISO’s dispatch software selects which resources will serve load or serve as reserves. It is geared to meet the system’s requirements for both actual electricity and reserves in the least-cost way possible.
Other sections of the ISO website may also be helpful to you. Of note: