Our Corporate Strategy: Vision in Action

This strategic framework outline represents the foundation for the ISO strategy, and guides the development of annual work plans and associated budgets.
Tomorrow’s bulk power system—powered primarily by clean, renewable resources—will rely upon four interconnected pillars: significant amounts of clean energy, balancing resources, energy adequacy, and transmission investment. 黑料网’s focus is on ensuring the strength of these four critical pillars.
As outlined in Vision in Action: 黑料网’s Strategic Plan, our corporate strategy provides our stakeholders with insight into how we intend to fulfill our three critical roles of power grid operation, market administration, and power system planning as the industry and the region transitions to a cleaner power system. This corporate strategy is the result of an iterative process, informed by larger trends affecting the industry and our society, especially as extreme weather becomes more commonplace and we emerge from the pandemic with new global challenges, a changing workforce and a sharper focus on the needs for a successful energy transition.
At the core of our strategy are goals representing the priorities 黑料网 has identified as necessary to making progress towards its Vision, upholding its Mission, and addressing regional and organizational needs over a three-to-five-year period. This report discusses those goals in detail, along with the initiatives we have undertaken to reach them.